
Work in Progress, The Juggler

This isn't a real time WIP as I completed this illustration some time ago for one of my favourite clients, The Big Issue. But since I have to get this blog under way and I found some progress shots I think it is a good start!

Lower half of the Juggler, no secrets!

Lower half of the Juggler, no secrets!

The juggler was made from polymer clay, a medium I recently discovered and am really enjoying. I have mostly been using Sculpey but there are lost of other great brands out there. Getting hold of them in Australia can involve going online or through one of the great little private importers in Melbourne. Sculpey is relatively easy to come by.

The wire support is a piece of heavy gauge armature wire inserted into a drilled hole in the plinth - a piece of wood heavy enough to hold the weight of the model.

The upper half of the Juggler

The upper half of the Juggler

Working on the top half - not her most flattering angle. The hole is where the wire from her lower half inserts to keep the two parts together.
The polymer clay has now been baked and although you can't see it here, I managed to burn the top of her skirt as it was sitting too close to the oven element. So, studio evacuation whilst I cleared out the air as burnt polymer clay releases toxic fumes. Happily I was able to paint over the burnt area with acrylic paint and you can't tell at all in the final image!

Juggling Algebra, The Big Issue

Juggling Algebra, The Big Issue

The final image! A little bit of work in Photoshop to create the floating letters, and hide the last of the burn marks. (Oh yes, and her mouth. I think I should hand paint that next time because sharp eyes spotted it!)